Help your child focus on listening well To succeed in school, children need good communication skills. One of them is listening. To build your child's skills, say her name to get her attention. Then look her in the eye and speak quietly; your child will have to listen closely. Model good listening by paying undivided attention when your child speaks to you. Encourage her to continue with statements like, "Tell me more." ------------------------------------------ Ayude a su hijo a concentrarse en escuchar bien Para tener éxito en la escuela, los niños necesitan tener habilidades de comunicación sólidas. Escuchar es una de estas habilidades. Para desarrollar las habilidades de escucha de su hijo, diga su nombre para captar su atención. Luego mírelo a los ojos y use un tono de voz suave. De este modo, él tendrá que escuchar atentamente. Préstele toda su atención cuando él le hable a usted, para mostrarle cómo se escucha atentamente. Y para continuar la conversación, hágale comentarios como, "Cuéntame más sobre eso".
over 5 years ago, NCSD Parent Engagement
The Floyd office will be closed until Tuesday, July 23rd. Thank you!
over 5 years ago, NCSD, Tech
Closed for summer
Floyd Kindergarten Graduation - Class of 2031
almost 6 years ago, Nye County School District
Waiting for the big moment
Ready to become first graders!
Ready to graduate
Graduation speeches are the best! I hope I'm called next.
Floyd Kindergarten teachers show off their style for graduation!
almost 6 years ago, Nye County School District
Floyd Kindergarten Teachers
Floyd Kindergarten Teachers
More Floyd teachers prepared to celebrate the school year with their kids!
almost 6 years ago, Nye County School District
Floyd 5th grade teachers ready to celebrate the school year with their kids
Floyd teachers & staff ready to celebrate the school year with their kids
Floyd teachers ready to celebrate the school year with their kids
Floyd 5th grade teachers ready to celebrate the school year with their kids
Floyd Elementary teachers prepare to celebrate the end of the school year with their students.
almost 6 years ago, Nye County School District
Floyd teachers and staff prepare to celebrate the year on the last full day!
Floyd teachers and staff prepare to celebrate the year on the last full day!
Floyd teachers and staff prepare to celebrate the year on the last full day!
Kindergarten teachers are ready for graduation!