8th grade Parent Survey

Nevada GEAR UP was pleased to offer college and career services to your child at RCMS this year and we need your help to determine what services your child may have enjoyed and what services might be beneficial for your child next year at PVHS.

We created a quick survey that you can take online in only a few short minutes. All you need to do is click on the link below and when prompted, enter your student’s ID#.  Parents, if you don’t already know your child’s ID #, you will need to get that from them, or call RCMS at 727-5546.

Parent Survey Link:


Username: Student ID #

Password: Student birthdate (2 digit month 2 digit day 4 digit year – no punctuation between)

Code: rcms

We ask that you read each question carefully and think about your answer before responding.


Our goal is to have all the surveys in by May 1, 2022. Can you help us meet that goal by logging on to the

website now and completing the survey? We’d really appreciate it if you can.

We will not share your, or your child’s, identity with anyone and will only use your responses in collection with all the other responses received.

Should you want more information about this survey before you take the time to complete it, please email Karen Pugh, our Internal Evaluator for Nevada GEAR UP, at karenpugh@doe.nv.gov. She will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Here is our school code for your use:

School Name


Rosemary Clarke Middle School


Thank you very much for your help in completing the survey. Have a great summer!