Internet Safety Management

Rosemary Clarke Middle School and Gaggle today announced a partnership to keep students safe when they use G Suite for Education.  RCMS will use the Gaggle safety management solution for G Suite to proactively protect students and ensure that they are safely and correctly using school-provided digital tools.

The Gaggle safety management solution uses a combination of artificial intelligence and trained safety experts to provide real-time analysis and review of students' use of online tools within the G Suite.  It constantly scans accounts for harmful content and alerts school officials when students show signs of self-harm, depression, thoughts of suicide, substance abuse, cyberbullying, credible threats of violence against others, or other harmful situations.  With this solution, RCMS can proactively identify students who are struggling, provide support where needed, and create a safer school enviornment.

Technology within schools is huge right now! We are in the technology age, and we want to keep up with the ever-chnaging times.  However, we want to do it all safely, carefully, and respectfully.  Students and parents need to know that, while RCMS provides a variety of technology tools, those tools need to be used appropriately and as expected.  We are going to do everything we can to ensure student safety! So, we are excited to offer this at RCMS. For more information, visit and follow Gaggle on Twitter at @Gaggle K12.