Greetings Hornet Families!
Beatty Schools would like to congratulate the Spelling Bee finalist and wish them luck during their competitions at Pahrump Valley High School.
We are eager to host a Career Fair with local and regional companies willing to help our students spring board into the future.
Thank you to all of the volunteers at our sporting events. The help is always appreciated.
Beatty Hornet Baseball Games
Wed. Feb. 1st BMS @Amargosa 2/3
Fri. Feb. 3rd BHS @Lund 5/6:30
Thurs. Feb. 9thBHS@Round Mnt 3/4:30/6
Fri. Feb. 10th BMS @Tonopah Tourney
Fri. Feb. 10th Tonopah @BHS 3/4:30/6
Sat. Feb. 11th BMS @Tonopah Tourney
Tue. Feb 14th BMS @RCMS 3/4
Feb. 13th – 18th BHS Regionals TBA
-There is no school Monday Feb. 6th for an in-service day & Monday Feb. 20th for Presidents’ Day
-February 2nd - Dist. ES Spelling Bee @9:30am PVHS
-February 2nd-Award assembly @10:30am
-February 2nd – Groundhog Day
-February 9th - Dist. MS Spelling Bee @9:30am PVHS
-February 14th – Happy Valentines
-Feb. 13th – 17th is Be Kind Week
-February 23rd- HS Career Fair
-February 23rd- NCSD Board
Meeting 5:30pm@ High School
- February 27th - March 3rd Reading Week
- March 2nd - Dr. Seuss’ birthday
- March 4th - End of quarter 3